
評分3.4(62)·免費·iOS·TheAndroidSwitchappfromGooglehelpsyoueasilyandsecurelymoveyourphotos,videos,contacts,andcalendareventstoabrandnewAndroiddevicewithout ...,評分2.9(8)·免費·iOS·你可以使用Google的AndroidSwitch應用程式,將相片、影片、聯絡人、日曆活動移轉到全新的Android裝置,過程中不需要任何傳輸線,既輕鬆又安全。,WehavegatheredupalistofthemostreliableiPhonetoAndroidtransfersoftware.Theseappswil...

Android Switch on the App Store

評分 3.4 (62) · 免費 · iOS · The Android Switch app from Google helps you easily and securely move your photos, videos, contacts, and calendar events to a brand new Android device without ...

在App Store 上的「Android Switch」

評分 2.9 (8) · 免費 · iOS · 你可以使用Google 的Android Switch 應用程式,將相片、影片、聯絡人、日曆活動移轉到全新的Android 裝置,過程中不需要任何傳輸線,既輕鬆又安全。

Top 5 iPhone to Android Transfer Software [2025]

We have gathered up a list of the most reliable iPhone to Android transfer software. These apps will let you transfer data and apps wirelessly.

MobieSync–Android iOS Transfer

評分 3.8 (202) · 免費 · Android MobieSync is fast and safe file transfer for Android and iOS users. It will help you sync data between iPhone and Android devices without data loss.

Smart Transfer: File Sharing

評分 3.8 (43,801) · 免費 · Android Smart Transfer is intuitively designed, Free transfer app providing quick and easy way to transfer content & send big files including contacts transfer.

Copy apps & data from an iPhone to a new Android device

Step 1: Turn on your new Android device · Step 2: Connect to Wi-Fi or a mobile network · Step 3: Copy your apps & data.

Switch From iPhone to Android Seamlessly

Discover how Android makes it easy to switch from your current iPhone and transfer all existing data to your new Android phone securely & seamlessly.

iPhone跳槽Android怎麼移轉資料?使用App Store「轉移到 ...

想要從iPhone轉換到Android手機,選擇Google在App Store上架的「轉移到Android/Switch to Android」App,來備份聯絡人、日曆和相片、影片, ...

Best way to convert iOS app to android? : riOSProgramming

Learn Jetpack Compose. If you have developed your app with SwiftUI then JetPack compose will come super easily. It's very similar to SwiftUI and ...

How to Switch from iPhone to Android

Comments606 ; Why I Switched to Android from iPhone in 2025. Pete Matheson · 287K views ; Switching to iPhone from Android in 2025. Pete Matheson ...